Sondra B

The Plumeria > Sondra B
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Sondra B #359 FCN 3″ pink with jasmine fragrance. Large 3 to 3 ½” multicolor with well overlapping petals. Generally pink with a pronounced red band on the back. A good strong frangipani fragrance. Strong grower with open type canopy. Strong gardenia fragrance; white with pink bands; yellow center; 3.5″. Little tree with about 30+ tips and 4 ½’ tall. Compact grower. Lanky. Last year it bloomed almost continuously on nearly all tips. Recommended. One of my best performing plumeria. This is the first blooming inflo of 19 on a little tree. The fragrance is sweet and strong and knocks my socks off every time. FCN Seedling of unknown origin. Gardenia fragrance. Sets seed