Plumeria cv ‘Mele Pa Bowman’
P. ‘Mele Pa Bowman’ is one of a handfull of plumeria cutivars considered members of P. obtusa. It was discovered growing as an apparent open pollenated seedling of P. ‘Celadine’ and P. ‘Singapore’.
Petal Shading
- Top: Yellow 7B modulating to Yellow 4D at the tip and edges of the petal.
- Bottom: Yellow 4D.
- Flower Width: 10.5 cm
- Texture: Delicate
- Tendency to Fade: Slight
- Petal Type: Obovate, reflexed, rounded tip
- Fragrance: Plumeria
- Intenstiy of Fragrance: Strong
- Color: Green, glossy
- Texture: Rigid
- Leaf Border Color: Green
- Petiole Color: Green
- Shape: Oblanceolate, acuminate tip
- Length: 32.5 cm
- Width: 9 cm