Plumeria cv ‘Japanese Lantern’
P.’Japanese Lantern’ is noted for its huge pendant clusters of flowers.
Petal Shading
- Top: Red-Purple 60D. Center is Orange-Red 35A and is overlaid with grainy Red-Purple 60D.
- Bottom: A Red-Purple 60D stripe, Then grainy and veiny Red-Purple 60D on white. A tiny patch of orange purple is found in the lower right.
- Flower Width: 9.5 cm
- Texture: Delicate
- Tendency to Fade: Moderate
- Petal Type: Narrow elliptical, somewhat twisted and reflexed, pointed tip
- Fragrance: Plumeria
- Intenstiy of Fragrance: Mild
- Color: Light green
- Texture: Flexible
- Leaf Border Color: Red
- Petiole Color: Green, red tint
- Shape: Slightly oblanceolate, slightly acuminate tip
- Length: 31 cm
- Width: 8.5 cm